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All applications of admission to the school must be made on the prescribed forms to grade 1 must be submitted not later then the date indicated on the application form or as found in bulletin board in the school office. there are no regular registrations for other classes and admission to these classes is made to fill vacancies, should they occur.

No student who has not completed five and a half years of age by April 1st will be admitted to grade 1 nor will anyone who has completed six and a half years of age. For the year 2014-15 the age should be between 1st October 2007 to 30th September 2008. For other classes a corresponding scale of minimum and maximum holds true i.e., at least six years completed but not seven for grade 2 at least seven years but not eight for grade 3, and so on.


Any intended withdrawal of a student from the school must be communicated to the Principal in writing at least one calendar month ( 30 days) in advance; otherwise one month’s fee will be charged. Those who withdraw from the school in April or May must pay fee up to June inclusive.

The school reserves the right to ask the parents to withdraw their child if his/ her progress in studies is unsatisfactory, conduct harmful to other students, fee is not paid on time or if there are other reasons which, in the opinion of the school authorities, render his/her continuation in the school undesirable. Honesty, cleanliness of person and dress, good manners and loyalty are expected of each student and anyone not conforming to the School’s ideals in these matters may be asked to leave. Immorality, grave insubordination, contempt of authority or willful damage to property is always reasons for dismissal.

  1. At the time admission to Class I, the child should complete 5 years on 30th September of the year. The child should complete 15 years of age on 30th September of the year in which he/she appears for the Board’s Secondary Examination.
  2. The Management has absolute freedom in the choice of candidates for admission to various classes.
  3. Admission is granted only on submission of the Application Form duly filled in and signed by the parents. Date of birth once registered cannot be changed.
  4. A student seeking admission to the school from another state should get her/his Transfer Certificate countersigned by the Education Department of that state.
  5. Documents required for admission are not returnable.
  6. Promotions are granted on the basis of the whole year’s work, regularity in attendance, tests and examinations.
  7. The results of the Examination are final and cannot be reconsidered.

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