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Sophia Secondary School, Khetri Nagar is Christian Minority School under the management of the MISSION SISTERS OF AJMER, known as MSA Sisters. It’s an Indian Congregation of sisters, reaching out in love and dedication, through Teaching, Healing and Social Works to people of all faiths and regions.

Sophia Secondary School, Khetri Nagar was founded way back in 1974, under the vigilant and loyal guidance of the Sisters and Staff. The school stands upright in all its splendor and glory crossing jubilees and celebrations to mark its progress and development in the field of teaching. It is an abode for learning values of mind and heart, a centre of perfection in the area of Academics and Co-curricular Activities.

Even under the umbrella of being A Christian Minority Institution, the management, in all its administration and working does not limit herself to a few selected sector of the society, but goes beyond reaching out to the vast ocean of students. Here the students are tailored to be persons of character and good will, being an asset to the society and the world at large.

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